Events & activities since the start of the project
Conferences & Events Organized by Project Members
- 15 November 2024, Workshop Telling People: Distinguishing, Categorizing and Representing Displaced Persons and Refugees between Europe and Asia in the Twentieth Century, hosted by Anne Friedrichs and Kerstin von Lingen
- 10 September 2024, Cambridge-DAAD Workshop: "Mapping the end of empire: coming to terms with the Pacific War," hosted by Barak Kushner (AMES Faculty, University of Cambridge) and Kerstin von Lingen (University of Vienna), Cambridge.
- 27 - 28 June 2024, Workshop "Forced Migrants, Agency and the Production of Migration" at the IMIS, University of Osnabrück. Organized by the University of Osnabrück (IMIS) and the University of Vienna (Department of Contemporary History)
- 15 - 16 April 2024, international DACH-project conference on "Negotiating Global Migrations," at Hotel Regina, Vienna, Program, Conference Report by Elizabeth Martin, School of Historical Studies, University of London
- 3 November 2023, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm: Workshop "Mapping Displacement. Potential of GIS Analysis", University of Vienna, Program.
- 19 October 2022, 6:30 pm (Vienna Time): Film Screening "Kontinent der Vertreibung – Europa nach 1945", a film by Kurt Mayer, at University of Vienna, BIG-Lecture Hall, Main Building.
- 9 September 2022, Conference: Citizen/Stateless Person/Cosmopolitan: Refugee Selfhood in
Global Intellectual and Legal History, organized by Kerstin von Lingen and Milinda Banerjee (St Andrews) at the Old Class Library, 71 South Street, St Andrews. - 29 June 2022, Conference: Practices of Reunification. The Continuation of Refugee Life after 1945, organized by Susanne Körbel and Philipp Strobl, at the Stiftung Universität Hildesheim.
Lectures at Conferences, Workshops and Participation at Research Trips
- 3 - 6 July 2024: Participation of Jessica Wehner at the Fourth Annual International Seminar in Historical Refugee Studies, Tübingen
- 27 May 2024, together with PhD colleagues from the ERC project "GLORE" and Professor G. Daniel Cohen, Franziska M. Lamp was part of the panel discussion after the film screening of "The Juggler" (1953), Votiv Cinema, Vienna
- 12 April 2024: Presentation by Franziska M. Lamp at the "Österreichische Zeitgeschichtetag", Universität Graz.
- 11 April 2024: Presentation by Jessica Wehner at the "Österreichische Zeitgeschichtetag", Universität Graz.
- 13 March - 27 March: Archival Research Trip of Jessica Wehner.
- 14 January - 18 February 2024: Archival Research Trip of Jessica Wehner.
- 12 January 2024: Presentation by Franziska M. Lamp on "The Resettlement of Refugee Nurses.The Gendered Dimensions of the Resettlement of Displaced Women via Postwar Austria (1945–1960)," Seminarium Historii Gender, Uniwersytet Warszawski.
- 3 - 10 December 2023: Archival trip Franziska M. Lamp.
- 25 - 27 Oktober 2023: Poster presentation by Jessica Wehner on "Normen, Praktiken & Marginalität. Aushandlungen an den Rändern des Displacement-Managements der International Refugee Organization (1946-1952)", during the "DeZIM-Promovierendentagung" in Berlin.
- 21 September 2023: Presentation by Jessica Wehner at Doktorand:innen-Workshop der Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Exilforschung on "Normen, Praktiken & Marginalität. 'Muslimisch' gelesene Displaced Persons im Flüchtlingsregime der Nachkriegszeit", Universität Osnabrück.
- 4 - 7 July 2023: Participation and presentation of project researcher Franziska M. Lamp at "Third Annual International Seminar in Historical Refugee Studies" on "Historicizing the Refugee Experience, 17th‐21st centuries", Käte Hamburger Kolleg/ Centre for Global Cooperation Research, University of Duisburg-Essen.
- 29 June - 1 July 2023: Presentations of FWF/DFG- & ERC-team members at Double Panel on "Displaced Persons and Refugees in Postwar Europe: A Transnational History of Displacement" at the ENIUGH in Den Haag.
- 23 June 2023: Inauguration of the ERC-project GLORE, with a key note by Jessica Reinisch
- 2 June 2023: Presentation by Jessica Wehner at the CEU Conference "Remaking the World in the Shadow of the Cold War. Migrants, Workers, Soldiers, Spies in Post-1945 Reconstruction", Central European University, Vienna.
- 2 June 2023: Franziska Maria Lamp acting as Chair for Panel 6 "Individual Agency, Communal Fates" during the Conference "Remaking the World in the Shadow of the Cold War" Central European University, Vienna.
- April 2023: Archival trip by Franziska Maria Lamp to the United States.
- 11 April 2023: Interdisciplinary panel discussion with Jessica Wehner, Philipp Effertz (DAAD), Prof. Dr. Matei Chihaia (University of Wuppertal) and Dr. Sascha Krannich (University of Giessen) on "Flucht und Exil", following the photo exhibition opening "Porträts forschender im Exil".
- 4 April 2023: Lecture by Franziska Maria Lamp on "'Milk and Orange Juice'
Einblicke in die Lebensrealitäten von 'displaced accompanied children' nach 1945", Frühe Kindheit in Europa nach 1945, Historisches Seminar Heidelberg. - 14 March 2023: Lecture by Franziska Maria Lamp at The Wiener Holocaust Library on "Controlling Female Bodies: Resettlement Procedures in Refugee Camps in Postwar Austria".
- 21 December 2022: Inaugural lecture by Philipp Strobl on the topic "Displaced Knowledge and Refugees as Mediators between Cultures: Insights into New Research Perspectives in Historical Migration Research," University of Hildesheim.
- November & December 2022: Research of Franziska Maria Lamp and Jessica Wehner at the Archives Nationales, Pierrefitte-sur-Seine (FR).
- 5 November 2022: Lecture by Jessica Wehner on "Who Share our Concern for These People" – Psychisch versehrte Displaced Persons und ihre Versorgung in der Landes-Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Osnabrück" at the Conference "Displaced Persons" in Niedersachsen und Bremen", Historische Kommission für Niedersachsen und Bremen, Arbeitskreis für die Geschichte des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts.
- 19 October 2022: Lecture by Franziska Maria Lamp on "Österreich Als Land der Durchreise? - Ein frauen- und geschlechterhistorischer Blick auf die Lebenswege von „Displaced Persons" und Nachkriegsgeflüchteten (1945 - 1954)", as part of the "Forschungswerkstatt" at the Department of Contemporary History, University of Vienna.
- October 2022: Archival research trip of Franziska M. Lamp to the National Archives, Kew (UK)
- 22 September 2022: Lecture by Franziska M. Lamp on "Debating Agency & Vulnerability: A Gendered Look at Displaced Persons in Post-War Austria", at Conference: Families in Transit: Child-bearing, Child-rearing and Inheritance during Displacement (21-23 September), organized by Sarah Cramsey at Leiden University (NLD).
- 21 September 2022: Lecture by Kerstin von Lingen on “Citizenship, expropriation and redress: the case of Holocaust victims from Austria”, Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, Cambridge
- 14 - 16 September 2022: Participation and input session at Workshop on "Collaborative Interview Analysis". Organized by Julia Anna Schranz (Faculty Center for Transdisciplinary Historical and Cultural Studies) and Claudia Martínez Hernández (Department of Economic & Social History), University of Vienna.
- 9 September 2022: Lectures by Kerstin von Lingen & Philipp Luis Strobl, at Conference: Citizen/Stateless Person/Cosmopolitan: Refugee Selfhood in Global Intellectual and Legal History, at the Old Class Library, 71 South Street, St Andrews (UK).
- 10 - 15 July 2022, Participation of project member Franziska M.Lamp at the summer school "Displacement, Governance and Human Rights" in Nürnberg, organized by the "Centre for Human Rights Erlangen-Nürnberg" (CHREN) as part of the "Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Networking and Knowledge Transfer” (FFVT).
Book Launches
- 23 March 2022: Virtual book launch: "Displaced Persons-Forschung in Deutschland und Österreich. Eine Bestandsaufnahme zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts Berlin, Frank & Timme 2022." Introduction by the editors Nikolaus Hagen, Markus Nesselrodt, Philipp Strobl, Marcus Velke-Schmidt. Commentaries by Anna Holian (Arizona State University) and Atina Grossmann (The Cooper Union), organized by the Herder Institute.
Project Meetings
- 18 September 2023, Internal project meeting.
- 7 August 2023, Internal project meeting, presentation and input by Frank Wolff.
- 19 June 2023, Internal project meeting.
- 27 February 2023, Internal project meeting, discussion of project conference, project podcast and special isssues.
- 9 January 2023, Internal project meeting, discussion of possibilities for the digital visualization of research outcomes.
- 13 September 2022, Internal project meeting, discussion of news and of upcoming archival research trips.
- 9 June 2022, Discussion of the research project "Norms and Marginality. Practices of Recognition as a Displaced Person" by Jessica Wehner in the dissertation seminar of Modern History and Historical Migration Research by Prof. Dr. Christoph Rass at Osnabrück University
- 1 June 2022, Internal workshop, discussion of news and reports on the progress of the research projects.
- 2 May 2022, Internal project meeting, discussion on methodological questions and presentation of projects.
- 5 May 2022, Discussion of the research project "Debating Agency and Vulnerability: A Gendered Look at the Situation of Single Mothers within the Post-World War II Migration Regime" by project member Franziska M. Lamp in the dissertation seminar on Women's and Gender History by ao. Mag.a Johanna Gehmacher at the University of Vienna.
- 4 April 2022, Internal Workshop for project members, organized by the Arolsen Archives and held by Axel Braisz and Christian Höschler.
- 3 March 2022, First internal project meeting, discussion of the project outline and administrative questions.
Fellowships and Grants of Project Members
- April 2023: Scholarship for Franziska M. Lamp “Internationale Kommunikation”, for archival trip to the United States (New York City and Washington DC), by the Österreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft (ÖFG).
- April 2023: Scholarship for Franziska Maria Lamp ”Kurzfristige wissenschaftliche Auslandsstipendien (KWA), for archival trip to the United States (New York City and Washington DC), by the University of Vienna.
- April 2023: Research Grant for Franziska Maria Lamp “GO INVESTIGATIO”, for archival trip to the United States (New York City and Washington DC), by the Austrian Academy of Science (ÖAW).
- October 2022: Research Grant “Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM)”, COST Action CA18205 WORCK (Worlds of Related Coercions in Work) for archival trip to the UK, Host institution: University College London (UCL).
- September 2022: Fellowship of project lead Kerstin von Lingen at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, Cambridge (UK).
- July 2022: Travel Grant for Franziska Maria Lamp for participation at summer school, by Doctoral School for Historical and Cultural Studies, University of Vienna.